Cronuts are the donuts that make people go nuts! They have the shape and flavor of a doughnut, yet feature the crispy, flaky texture of a buttery croissant....
My mother's wheat allergy means that in our house everything was baked with spelt. This is the bread recipe I grew up on, and I've never seen a spelt bread...
A rustic whole-grain free-form loaf barley bread recipe. Wonderfully rich and complex flavors with a hearty texture that's great when toasted and spread...
I make a double batch of this braided bread every Christmas for the guys at work. Baked early in the morning and drizzled with the icing, served still...
You don't need the Muffin Man to enjoy delicious English muffins at your next weekend brunch. This recipe uses an overnight rise to get perfectly puffed...
I was very excited to try this high-hydration focaccia, which simply means the dough has a lot of water. In fact, this has the highest amount of water...
Savory onion and cheese bread is light with a crisp crust, tender crumb, and great onion and sharp cheddar flavor. Try it for your next grilled cheese...
As I do not own a bread machine, I adapted this recipe to make in my KitchenAid stand mixer using the dough hook. I kept the igredients basically the same,...
Buttermilk biscuits are a Southern tradition. Best served warm and fresh from the oven, these tender biscuits are as delicious for breakfast as they are...
Freshly baked bread is always a winner. Try this three celery bread that's made with celery seeds, fresh celery and fresh celery leaves. You will be surprised...
This herb bread is almost exactly like the bread they serve at Macaroni Grill®. This bread is best warm or toasted. We serve it with soups or even just...
I have been looking and looking for a GREAT pumpernickel recipe since my bread machine broke. This is a conglomeration of a number of different recipes,...
My Yia Yia made this Greek Easter bread for many years, so this is very dear to my heart. It is slightly sweet and has a soft, golden brown crust. Leftovers...
Flaky puff pastry is filled with chocolate-hazelnut spread and all-fruit raspberry spread in this delectable treat. I concocted this on a whim one afternoon,...
Flaky puff pastry is filled with chocolate-hazelnut spread and all-fruit raspberry spread in this delectable treat. I concocted this on a whim one afternoon,...